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Terms of Use


OpenUPM is a service that encourages the use and development of the open-source unity contents. I know that most people skim through terms of use because they're boring, but I try my best to provide the services for you without worrying about the legal issues by applying the common practice of terms-of-use.

OpenUPM offers software and services under a few different licenses and terms of use.

Software From OpenUPM

License terms and notices for the openupm command-line program can be found in the LICENSE fileopen in new window.

Free to Use OpenUPM Services

The terms govern access to and use of https://openupm.comopen in new window as well as the public registryopen in new window. OpenUPM operates each of those services. The history versions of the term can be accessed at docs/terms.mdopen in new window.

You may only access or use these services by agreeing to these terms. If openupm adds any additional functionality to these services, you must agree to these terms to use that new functionality, too. You show your agreement with openupm on these terms by accessing or using openupm services with or without creating an account. The agreement between you and openupm is a legally binding contract (this agreement).


OpenUPM may change these terms in the future and may notify you of changes by a general announcement via the website, but it is up to you to check for changes to these terms. After receiving notice of changes to these terms, you must accept those changes to continue using openupm services. You accept changes to these terms by continuing to use openupm services. OpenUPM may change, suspend, or discontinue these services at any time without notice or liability to you.


OpenUPM respects your privacy and limits the use and sharing of information about you collected by these services. The privacy policy describes these policies. OpenUPM will abide by the privacy policy and honor the privacy settings that you choose via openupm services.

OpenUPM services are governed by the code of conduct at code of conduct.

Use of OpenUPM Services

Subject to these terms, openupm grants you permission to the openupm services. That permission is not exclusive to you, and you cannot transfer it to anyone else.

Your permission to use the openupm services entitles you to do the following:

  1. You may search for, download and view packages of computer code (packages) in the public registry.
  2. You may search for and view packages via the Website.
  3. You may submit and manage packages via the GitHub pull request feature.


Your permission to use the services is subject to the following conditions:

  1. You must be at least 13 years of age.
  2. You may not use the services after openupm says you may not, such as by disabling your IP.
  3. You must use the services only in accordance with "acceptable use".

Acceptable Use

  1. You will abide by the Code of Conduct.
  2. You will not submit material to openupm as a package or in any other form that violates the acceptable content, described below.
  3. You will not disclose information that you do not have the right to disclose, such as confidential information of others.
  4. You will not copy or share any personally identifiable information of any other person without their specific permission.
  5. You will not violate any applicable law.
  6. You will not use or attempt to use another person's account without their specific permission.
  7. You will not buy, sell, or otherwise trade in user names, organization names, names for packages, or any other names reserved on openupm services, for money or other compensation.
  8. You will not falsely imply that you are affiliated with or endorsed by openupm.
  9. You will not operate illegal schemes, such as pyramid schemes, via the services.
  10. You will not deep-hyperlink to images or other non-hypertext content served by the services.
  11. You will not remove any marking indicating proprietary ownership from any material got via the services.
  12. You will not display any portion of the Website via an HTML IFRAME.
  13. You will not disable, avoid, or circumvent any security or access restrictions of the services, or access parts of the services not intended for access by you.
  14. You will not strain the infrastructure of the services with an unreasonable volume of requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on IT systems underlying the services. This rule is intentionally loose, to give openupm the flexibility it needs to keep the services working for the user community as a whole.
  15. You will not encourage or assist any other person in violation of "acceptable use".

Acceptable Content

Administrators at openupm reserve the right to delete content hosted on the services that they deem unacceptable. Unacceptable content can take the form of a package, a README file, a user or organization name, or any other content submitted to the services. A few examples of unacceptable content:

  1. Content that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful. This includes content that is harassing, inappropriate, or abusive.
  2. Content in violation of the law, infringing the intellectual property rights of others, violating the privacy or other rights of others, or in violation of any agreement with a third party. This includes code that violates a public license for others' work.
  3. Content containing malicious computer code, such as computer viruses, computer worms, rootkits, back doors, or spyware. This includes content submitted for research purposes unless agreed to in advance by openupm. Tools designed and documented explicitly to assist in security research are acceptable, but proof-of-concept exploits are not.
  4. Packages that are not functionally compatible with the openupm command-line client. For example, a "package" cannot simply be a PNG or JPEG image, a movie file, or a text document uploaded directly to the registry. Using the public registry as a general-purpose database is not allowed.
  5. Content that exists only to "reserve" a name, whether a package name, user name or organization name.
  6. Content that not compatible with Code of Conduct.

Commercial Content

For commercial package developers, you should be aware that certain practices are disallowed by The Unity Package Guidelines.


Notice that the restrictions on commercial content is only applied to a scoped regsitry like OpenUPM, not to GitHub repositories or the asset store packages. Which means you can develop a commercial package and:

  • host it on GitHub.
  • host it on your private registry for your designated users.
  • host the free-and-opensource version on OpenUPM and the paid version/service on the asset store.
  • host the free-and-opensource version on OpenUPM and do not promote the paid version/service within the free version.

Those are possible practices, but you should consult with your lawyer to make sure you are not violating the Unity Package Guidelines.

Your Content

Nothing in this agreement gives openupm any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with the Services, such as your account information or any packages you share with the Services. Nothing in this agreement gives you any ownership rights in openupm intellectual property provided via the Services, like software, documentation, trademarks, service marks, logotypes, or other distinguishing graphics.

Between you and openupm, you remain solely responsible for your content. You will not wrongly imply that your content is sponsored or approved by openupm.

OpenUPM may remove your content from the services without notice if openupm suspects your content was submitted or used in violation of "acceptable use", as well as per the copyright policy.

Your content belongs to you. You decide whether and how to license it. But at a minimum, you license openupm to provide your content to users of the services when you share your content. That special license allows openupm to copy, publish, and analyze your content, and to share its analyses with others. OpenUPM may run computer code in your content to analyze it, but openupm's special license alone does not give openupm the right to run code for its functionality in openupm products or services.

When your content is removed from the services, whether by you or openupm, openupm's special license ends when the last copy disappears from openupm's backups, caches, and other systems. Other licenses, such as open-source licenses, may continue after your content is removed. Those licenses may give others, or openupm itself, the right to share your content with the services again.

Others who receive your content via the services may violate the terms on which you license your content. You agree that openupm will not be liable to you for those violations or their consequences.


OpenUPM welcomes your feedback and suggestions for the services. You agree that openupm will be free to act on feedback and suggestions you provide without further notice, consent, or payment. You will not submit feedback or suggestions that you consider confidential or proprietary.


You will indemnify openupm, its officers, directors, employees, representatives, and agents, and hold them harmless for, all liability, expenses, damages, and costs from any third-party claims, demands, lawsuits, or other proceedings alleging that your content, your use of the services, or both, violate the intellectual property right of a third party, this agreement, or applicable law. You will not settle any such proceeding without the prior written consent of openupm. OpenUPM will notify you of any such proceeding it becomes aware of.


OpenUPM is an open-source service, not an official service provided by Unity Technologies Inc.

Use of the services is at your sole risk. The services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. OpenUPM expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory, including implied warranties of title, noninfringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.

OpenUPM makes no warranty that the services will meet your requirements, operate in an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free manner, or that errors in the services will be corrected.

You receive material via the services at your sole risk. You will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system and network, as well as any data loss that may result from the use of the services or material received via the services.

The services may provide information and software that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful. openupm may, but does not promise to, review content provided by the services.

The services provide information about ownership and licensing of packages, as provided by those packages' publishers. That information may be wrong. openupm cannot and does not provide legal advice.

Third-Party Services

OpenUPM services may hyperlink to and integrate with third-party applications, websites, and other services. You decide whether and how to use and interact with such services. OpenUPM does not make any warranty regarding such services or content they may provide, and will not be liable to you for any damages related to such services. The use of such third-party services may be governed by other terms and privacy notices that are not part of this agreement and are not controlled by openupm.

Limits on Liability

Neither openupm nor any third-party service provider used by openupm to provide the services will, under any circumstances, be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary damages related to your use of the services or this agreement, whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence, product liability, or otherwise), or any other pecuniary loss, and whether or not openupm has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Either you or openupm may terminate this agreement at any time with notice to the other.

On termination of this agreement, your permission to use the services also terminate.

The following provisions survive termination of this agreement: "your content", "feedback", "indemnity", "disclaimers", "limits on liability", and "general terms". Users of the services may continue to copy and share your content after termination of this agreement.

Payment Terms

There is no charge for use of the services.

General Terms

If a provision of this agreement is unenforceable as written but could be changed to make it enforceable, that provision should be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Otherwise, that provision should be removed.

You may not assign this agreement. openupm may assign this agreement to any affiliate of openupm, any third party that obtains control of openupm, or any third party that purchases assets of openupm relating to the services. Any purported assignment of rights in breach of this provision is void.

Neither the exercise of any right under this agreement nor a waiver of any breach of this agreement waive any other breach of this agreement.

This agreement and openupm software that you and openupm agree to, embody all the terms of the agreement between you and openupm about the services. This agreement supersedes any other agreements about the services, written or not.

Notices and Questions

You may send notice to openupm and questions about the terms governing openupm products and services by mail to hello@openupm.com.