Open Source Unity Package Registry

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Open Source Packages

Automated Package Publishing

Command-Line Interface

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Get Started with CLI (Optional)

# Install openupm-cli
$ npm install -g openupm-cli
# OR yarn global add openupm-cli

# Enter your Unity project folder

# Search a package
$ openupm search addressable-importer
│ Name                                     │ Version            │ Date       │
│ com.littlebigfun.addressable-importer    │ 0.16.1             │ 2023-02-08 │

# Install package
$ openupm add com.littlebigfun.addressable-importer
added: com.littlebigfun.addressable-importer@0.4.1
manifest updated, please open unity project to apply changes


OpenUPM is an autonomous, open-source service and is not associated with Unity Technologies Inc.