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Frequently Asked Questions

This page covers frequently asked questions about OpenUPM.

Q: Is this project associated with Unity Technologies Inc.?

No, OpenUPM is an autonomous, open-source service. While building good collaboration with Unity is always welcomed, it is worth noting that, at the time of writing, Unity has no involvement in this project in terms of sponsorship or development. You can verify this by checking the contributor list.

Q: Can I use Version Ranges in manifest.json or the dependencies of package.json?

No, although Unity reuses the NPM protocol, it does not support version ranges like >1.4.0, ^1.4.0, or ~1.4.0. You can only specify a specific version number.

Q: Can I use Git dependencies in manifest.json or the dependencies of package.json?

Git dependencies are only supported in manifest.json, but not in the dependencies of package.json.

Q: How can I deprecate a package version?

While package deprecation is a feature of NPM, it is not implemented by the Unity Package Manager in the Editor. Therefore, we do not support it at the moment.

Q: What is the package unpublish policy?

The package unpublish policy has been broken down into the version unpublish policy and the package unpublish policy. You can read more about this in the Modifying UPM Package documentation.

Q: Should I use a specific scope like com.foo.bar or a broader scope like com.foo when installing a package?

The OpenUPM website and openupm-cli use specific scopes like com.foo.bar when installing packages. This approach is taken because we don't assume that all packages under the same scope are hosted on OpenUPM. As a user, you have the choice to use a broader scope like com.foo if you have more than one package under the same scope. This can result in faster network access when resolving packages from the registry.

Q: How does the README file sync work?

OpenUPM displays the README file from your GitHub repository as your package's front page. The path of the README file is specified in the readme field of the package metadata YAML file, for example, readme: 'main:README.md'. The sync process is triggered every few hours.

Q: Can I add a commercial option for my open-source packages?

It depends. In the Unity Package Guiding Principles & Guidelinesopen in new window, it states that:

You cannot make any Package (including via Package update) available from within the Unity Editor to third parties (other than your Designated Users) that, directly or indirectly, advances or is intended to advance the commercial or economic interests of you and/or your affiliated entities. For example:

  • A Package that induces a person to buy or subscribe to products or services.
  • A Package that otherwise enables or affects a commercial transaction.

Essentially, Unity restricts monetizing your open-source projects. However, there are a few options to consider:

  • Split your package into a commercial version and an open-source version. The open-source version will be hosted on OpenUPM, while the commercial version can be published on the Unity Asset Store. When you publish your package on the Unity Asset Store, it will be covered by the Asset Store Terms of Service and EULAopen in new window, which is a different license from the open-source version. Typically, the commercial version of the package will have additional features, such as pro features, an example project demonstrating how to use the package, or enhanced support.
  • Host your package on GitHub only and opt-out from the OpenUPM registry. Since the Unity Package Guiding Principles & Guidelines apply only to the scoped registry. Then you can use a dual-license strategy to add a commercial option.
  • Be creative and find your own workaround.

Please note that in any case, you should read the Unity Package Guiding Principles & Guidelines carefully to verify your strategy.

Q: Why doesn't OpenUPM create a solution to list all packages in the Unity Editor?

Unity does not allow it. In the Unity Package Guiding Principles & Guidelinesopen in new window, it states that:

C. You cannot create a marketplace, store, or platform to promote, advertise, or distribute your Packages, products or services to third parties (other than your Designated Users) from within the Unity Editor. For example: Your Package may not add advertisements or a storefront designed to sell or promote products or services via the Unity Editor UI. You cannot use console messages to advertise services or commercial packages

Q: What download stats does OpenUPM provide?

We have created a homemade Verdaccio pluginopen in new window to offer a similar but feature-limited download stats APIopen in new window like NPM.

On the website, we provide the monthly download count, a monthly download sparkline chart, and a download badge that you can add to your GitHub README file. The monthly download count is calculated by summing the download count of all versions of the package in the last 30 days, and it is updated daily.

We do not offer per-version download stats at the moment.