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Modifying UPM Package

Modifying the Package Metadata YAML File

To make changes to the package metadata YAML file:

  • Locate the package metadata YAML file at the data/packagesopen in new window folder.

  • Alternatively, use the "Edit package metadata" link on the package detail page to find the file.

  • Edit the content as needed.

  • Create a pull request. Your PR will be merged after review.

Unpublishing a Version

Published releases on the OpenUPM registry are immutable, as modifying or deleting a published version is considered bad practice. These releases are already being used by other developers, transferred to our CDN, and cached at multiple levels in the CDN, user's cache server, Unity local cache, and more. Changing them can introduce inconsistencies. Even if you believe a version contains a major bug, the recommended approach is to bump the version and publish the fix in this manner.

However, there are specific cases in which you can contact us to request the unpublishing of a specific version:

  • The version inadvertently leaks security information, such as accidentally committing a private key and publishing it.
  • The version contains harmful content that may endanger the developers who install it.
  • The version violates our package guidelines.

If you have a valid reason for unpublishing a version, please delete the related Git tag, and then create an issueopen in new window to request the unpublishing of that version.

If you delete or replace published Git tags on your GitHub repository without notifying us, these changes will not affect the content already published on OpenUPM.

Renaming a Package

To rename a published package, please follow these steps:

  • In your repository, modify the package name in the package.json, bump the version, and create a new Git tag.

  • Locate the package metadata YAML file and update the filename and the name field to the new name. If the repository name is also changed, update the repoUrl field as well.

  • Set the minVersion field to the newly created Git tag version so that the build-pipelines will ignore the old versions with the old package name.

  • Create a pull request. Your PR will be merged after review.

Transferring Package Ownership

To transfer package ownership, please follow these steps:

  • In GitHub, transfer the package ownership to the new owner.

  • Assuming the package name remains the same, locate the package metadata YAML file and update the repoUrl field to point to the new repository.

  • This update is primarily for refreshing display information on the website and will not affect published versions.

  • Create a pull request. Your PR will be merged after review.

Delisting a Package

Package owners have the option to opt out of OpenUPM by following these steps:

  • Remove the package metadata YAML file from the data/packagesopen in new window folder.

  • Add the package scope to the data/blocked-scopes.ymlopen in new window file to prevent re-submission.

  • Create a pull request. Your PR will be merged after review.

  • Your package will be delisted from the OpenUPM website. However, published versions will remain on the registry to allow existing users to continue to access the content.

Unpublishing a Package Entirely

Refer to Unpublishing a Version to understand why we do not allow unpublishing existing versions.

However, there are specific cases in which you can contact us to request the unpublishing of the entire package from the registry.

Packages Published Less Than 72 Hours Ago

For newly created packages, as long as no other packages in the OpenUPM Public Registry depend on your package, you can unpublish anytime within the first 72 hours after publishing.

Packages Published More Than 72 Hours Ago

Regardless of how long ago a package was published, you can unpublish a package that meets all of the following conditions:

  • no other packages in the OpenUPM Public Registry depend on it.
  • it had less than 50 downloads over the last month.

Package Violates Our Package Guidelines

If a package violates our package guidelines, we can unpublish it regardless of how long ago it was published.

If you have a valid reason to unpublish all versions entirely, please create an issueopen in new window.